3 Lessons from my first Half Marathon

Nirvanna Lildharrie
2 min readDec 5, 2023

Last weekend, I completed a Half Marathon for the first time. 🏆 On its own, that sounds really wonderful… But the reality is it’s been a grueling uphill battle!

👟 I trained FOUR TIMES before I could finish, running 474 miles in 2 years.
👟 The 3rd time, my knee gave out at Mile 12. I crossed the finish in a golf cart.
👟 And when I finally finished a race last weekend, it was still hard.

The practice of training has been really tough. But I’ve learned some important lessons along the way…

⭐ You can have everything you want if you have discipline —

Remember the YouTube video with Shia LaBeouf screaming “JUST DO IT”? You are the master of your own humane. Stop making excuses. Countdown from 5 like ​Mel Robbins​ and just do the damn thing. Follow through on the commitments you make to your self and watch your trust in yourself rise. DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS 🙃

⭐ Life is tough, but so are you. You can do hard things —

Every time I run, the first 1–3 miles are always the hardest. My body feels achy. My lungs & heart are like, “Ew, what is this?” But then, everything loosens up and it’s a matter of not stopping. Winston Churchill is the one who said: “When you’re going through hell, keep going.” With every tough task, starting is the hardest part. Then you get into a nice flow. And once you’re down, you feel Self-Efficacy. Yes, you CAN because yes, you DID.

⭐ You are a human and you have a body. Collaborate with it —

The race before last, at Mile 12, I couldn’t lift my left knee without scorching pain. When I realized I wasn’t going to make it across the finish line, I started weeping. I was humbled by my body. It was screaming at me to STOP. The next time I trained, I was much kinder to it. I skipped runs when my joints felt weird. I strength-trained better between runs. I stayed hydrated, and I made sure I always had enough fuel… And that worked!

So really, accomplishing your goals isn’t all that hard. All you need is: Discipline, Commitment, Resilience, Self-Awareness, and some Self-Compassion. 😉

Have you faced your own uphill battles or achieved a significant milestone recently? I’d love to hear your stories and the lessons you’ve learned. 🚀

On the left: My DNF. On the right: VICTORY!



Nirvanna Lildharrie

Saleswoman of Color with lots of ideas for how to be successful professionally and personally.